Sharing of poems and songs...
Joyous and Lamenting in length.

Friday, September 10, 2010


When I asked Jesus into my life alot of 
stuff went out.  I am stoked! He put a 
song of hope in my heart. I made that 
decision on a Wednesday evening sit'n 
"Indian style" on the ground in "big peoples"
church, I was five years old at the time.
I remember God whispering to my heart
a sweet melody, " I love you unconditionally."
At that very moment a vast, real, and 
precious sense of peace filled my soul.
The words spoken in response from me
"I accept"...
...when words leave off music begins. 

flint firestarter the 1st said...
I was saved at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa while Chuck Smith was teaching through Matt.19. He read...Jesus said, "Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven." I was not supposed to be there in adult church as they were pretty strict at making sure kids attended their own class. My shyness at the time convinced the deacon that I would not be a bother, so I was allowed in. Chuck talked about the loving nature of God and how faithful he was. faithful enough to die for me. Always there for me. I needed this as my split family left me wanting just a little more then human affection. God is Good...The Holy Spirit prompted me and I accepted His invitation to be one of His children.

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